Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Biancaffe Coffee Espresso Pods Black Blend 150 Pc

Get the best deal for Biancaffe Coffee Espresso Pods Black Blend 150 Pc is becoming hot. This awesome Biancaffe Coffee Espresso Pods Black Blend 150 Pc is currently on sale, you may buy it right now for only $0.00 and usually delivered within a day.

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Buy Biancaffe Coffee Espresso Pods Black Blend 150 Pc best deal. Best deal is presented for you on Biancaffe Coffee Espresso Pods Black Blend 150 Pc at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.

Product Info

* Case of 150 single-serving (7gram, 45 mm diameter) individually wrapped pods, quick and easy. Freshness is always protected against humidity or other environmental agents that can damage the quality of coffee. * No waste. Aroma is sealed in with no mess. Pods are always clean and hygienic. * A balanced combination of flavors imported directly from Italy. * Will not work with Philips Senseo, Black & Decker Home Caf�, Melitta pod machine, Nepresso or Lavazza Point machines. BIANCAFFE' was established in 1932 as a small coffee-roasting company, but over the last seventy years, it has become a company known throughout the world for it's quality coffees. In recent years, the company has perfected advanced technological methods for quality control of their coffee. This, together with their rigorous selection of coffee varieties and meticulous care in all phases of production, has resulted in a superior coffee product. Attention first time buyers of ESE pods. Espresso machines designed specifically to be used with pods will produce better results than most commercial espresso machines that use a single-shot filter basket. Make sure that your espresso machine comes with a special filter basket for use with pods. There are many espresso machine sellers that claim that their espresso machines work well with ESE pods but in reality they do not. Product Description * Espresso 50% Robusta and 50% Arabica Made in Italy - A blend for the espresso lover. Strong aroma, very sweet and delicate taste with low caffeine content. * Kit includes small espresso plastic cups, sugar, and little sugar sticks. A Classical expression of "Italian espresso coffee", it is characterized by the harmony of its taste which is particularly full and rich,and by its intense aroma delivered by the central American coffee beans.


  • Espresso coffee pods
  • Italian Espresso coffee

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