Thursday, May 30, 2013

Coffee Masters Flavored Coffee, Chocolate Thunder, Ground, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4)

Get the best deal for Coffee Masters Flavored Coffee, Chocolate Thunder, Ground, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4) is now hitting the market. This best product is currently available, you might buy it now for only $0.00 and usually ships in 24 hours.

While finding for Lowest Deal you can just not buy Coffee Masters Chocolate. Want the Top Deal is easy when purchasing from online. Coffee Masters Flavored Coffee, Chocolate Thunder, Ground, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4) which you may want here on this page. That can assist you to make easy decision to Lowest Price item number. There is no more place than internet where you found get your desired Coffee Masters Chocolate at best selling deal when you search for this product over internet. This particular product ships for no charge with Super Saver Shipping. Get The Top Deal Coffee Masters Chocolate From This Website.

Buy Coffee Masters Flavored Coffee, Chocolate Thunder, Ground, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4) best deal. Top deals is presented for you on Coffee Masters Chocolate at Discounted prices. Find for lowest prices.

Item Info

Like a summer storm, the suddenly intense flavor of European chocolate bursts forth to envelope you in lush creamy richness.

Factor Benefits

  • Case of four 12-ounce valve bags of ground Chocolate Thunder flavored coffee (48 total ounces)
  • 100% Arabica ground coffee; freshly roasted and Kosher certified
  • Rich, deep chocolate flavor
  • Nitrogen-flushed bag for freshness
  • Choice beans blended and roasted in U.S.

User Opinions

Great coffee

Buy this for my grad students who really love the taste, quality of this coffee.thisisan excellent coffee! Wished we could get a decaf version too.


I couldn't stand this coffee. It smells like the old 'scratch and sniff' chocolate from the books in the 70's! It leaves a horrible aftertaste that is very chemically. I'm stuck with 4 bags, but don't know anybody I dislike enough to try to pawn this coffee off on them-yuck!!!

Rating: 3 2 reviews

Key: Coffee Flavored Chocolate, Coffee Masters Flavored, Coffee Masters Chocolate, Masters Flavored Chocolate

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