Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Torrefazione Italia 12-oz. Ground Coffee, Napoli Blend.

Get the best deal for Torrefazione Italia 12-oz. Ground Coffee, Napoli Blend. is now alive. This cool Torrefazione Italia 12-oz. is currently available, you can buy it right now for just $0.00 and usually delivered within 24 hours.

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Get Torrefazione Italia 12-oz. Ground Coffee, Napoli Blend. deal. Best deal is presented for you on Torrefazione Italia 12-oz. at Lowest prices. Find for best deals.

Item Info

This dark roast is rich and spicy, with hints of caramel and other exotic flavors. It is lively and smooth with a deep sweet aroma that is complex but never bitter. This wonderfully versatile blend is a favorite among coffee cognoscenti..

Strong Feat

  • Size/Capacity: 12-oz.
  • Origin: Latin America

Customer Opinions

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Tags: Torrefazione Italia Ground, Torrefazione Italia 12-oz., Italia 12-oz. Ground

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