Sunday, April 21, 2013

Melitta Coffee Pods, Colombian, 4-Ounce

Get the best deal for Melitta Coffee Pods, Colombian, 4-Ounce is now available. This awesome product is currently on sale, you can buy it right now for only $0.00 and often ships in a single day.

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Order Melitta Coffee Pods, Colombian, 4-Ounce deal. Deals available for you on Melitta Coffee Pods, at Discounted prices. Find for lowest prices.

Product Info

Specially designed Melitta coffee pods are pre-measured servings of coffee that give you a full, smooth taste and aroma. True to our European heritage, we select only premium high grown coffees from the finest coffee producing regions of the world. These top quality, hand picked beans are then batch roasted and ground extra fine to release the full elegance of the coffee. The result is an exceptiopnal flavor that is always rich and never bitter.

Strong Feat

  • 16 count bag
  • Pods are specially designed for use in all Senseo and Hamilton Beach pod coffeemakers
  • Extremely rich, full bodied, and well balanced
  • Each pod is pre-measured with 7 grams of premium Colombian coffee
  • Biodegradable; more sustainable than capsules; coffee pod maximum shelf life is 14 months

User Reviews

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