Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dark Brazilian Santos, Whole Bean Coffee, 16 Ounce Bags (Pack of 3)

Get the best deal for Dark Brazilian Santos, Whole Bean Coffee, 16 Ounce Bags (Pack of 3) is now alive. This best product is currently available, you may buy it now for just $0.00 and usually delivered within a day.

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Buy Dark Brazilian Santos, Whole Bean Coffee, 16 Ounce Bags (Pack of 3) best price. lowest price available for you on Brazilian Santos, Whole at Best prices. Find for lowest prices.

Item Info

Coffee Bean Direct has been in business since 2004. The company does all of its in-house coffee roasting operations out of their facility in Frenchtown, NJ. The underlying philosophy the company has always operated under is to provide gourmet-caliber coffee beans at fair prices to businesses and individuals alike. Coffee Bean Direct offers an ever-increasing variety of single-origin beans, fair-trade & organic coffees, flavored coffees, and proprietary blends. In addition, they maintain an extensive selection of loose-leaf teas from around the world along with flavored teas, herbal teas, and unique tea blends. Coffee Bean Direct is also a leading supplier of unroasted green coffees intended for home coffee roasters and smaller boutique roasting businesses.


  • Coffee is roasted fresh immediately prior to packaging
  • Coffee beans are slow-roasted to bring out a fuller, more even flavor
  • Whole bean coffee stays fresher longer
  • Coffee beans are packaged to ensure optimal freshness
  • Coffee beans are directly imported and roasted by Coffee Bean Direct


I am pleased to have found Brazilian Coffee on the web site.
I LUV Books

I was introduced to Brazilian coffee during my visit to Brazil. Not only is the country fascinating, the coffee is delicious! Don't ruin it with milk and sugar. Start the day early with a cup of strong Brazilian coffee . Do I need to emphasize that I am a fan? I certainly am.

Rating: 5 1 reviews

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